VA Form 10-0388-14 – Checklist of Major Requirements for State Home Construction/Acquisition Grants

VAFORMS.NET – VA Form 10-0388-14 – Checklist of Major Requirements for State Home Construction/Acquisition Grants – What is VA Form 10-0388-14 and where can I find one? The following article will provide you with an overview of the VA form. You will also learn about the major requirements that must be met when submitting this form. You can also check out the checklist below to get a better understanding of the requirements for this form.

Download VA Form 10-0388-14 – Checklist of Major Requirements for State Home Construction/Acquisition Grants

Form Number VA Form 10-0388-14
Form Title  Checklist of Major Requirements for State Home Construction/Acquisition Grants
Edition Date March 2022
File Size 2 MB

What is a VA Form 10-0388-14?

Whether you are applying for a VA grant or a government contract, you need to know what the VA Form 10-0388-14 is. This form is used by the VA to certify compliance with federal regulations. The application must be signed and certified by the applicant, and it must include the financial plan for the first three years of operation. In addition, you will need to submit a certificate of state matching funds by August.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 10-0388-14?

You can obtain VA Form 10-0388-14 from your local VA office or from the VA website. These forms are free to download and fill out. Once you have completed them, they are easy to send. They are also known as “FillABLE” forms, which make it much easier to complete and submit.

VA Form 10-0388-14 – Checklist of Major Requirements for State Home Construction/Acquisition Grants

When submitting the VA Form 10-0388-14, you must make sure that the project meets certain requirements before approval is granted. For instance, the project should be compliant with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and Public Law 101-121, which prohibits payments to lobbyists or others who may use their influence to influence grant recipients. Moreover, the project must meet certain criteria related to the NHPA.

As an example, the Act requires the VA to categorize states based on the need for beds. There are three categories: “great need,” “significant need,” and “limited need.” However, some commenters argue that the new process is unfair and should prioritize projects based on the percentage of unmet bed needs. That way, more veterans in large states can receive these important grants.

After the initial application has been approved, the project must also submit a financial plan for the first three years of operation. Additionally, a signed initial application certification is required. State matching funds must also be submitted by August for the priority group 1 facility. The state budget official must also provide a statement of the source of the matching funds.

VA Form 10-0388-14 Example

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