VAFORMS.NET – VA Form 21-674b – School Attendance Report – Whether you are a student or teacher, you’ll want to make sure you have the VA Form 21-674b on hand when it comes time to submit your attendance report. It’s also helpful if you’re a parent because it can give you the information you need about your student’s attendance. This form can also help you track your student’s grades.
Download VA Form 21-674b – School Attendance Report
Form Number | VA Form 21-674b |
Form Title | School Attendance Report |
Edition Date | June 2022 |
File Size | 2 MB |
VA Form 21-674B (24 downloads )
What is VA Form 21-674b?
Whether you are applying for a VA disability claim or looking for a way to confirm school attendance, you should know what VA Form 21-674b is. You can download and print this form from the VA website or you can fill out the form online.
VA Form 21-674b is used to confirm school attendance for children who are eligible for VA benefits. This form should be completed and signed by the veteran’s guardian if the student is under 23. If the student is at least 18, he or she can sign the form himself. It can be completed and returned to the VA within 60 days after the student begins attending school.
If you are not sure what to fill out, you can use the VA Form 21-674b template. This template is an editable PDF that helps streamline your workflow. You can download the template and edit it online. You can also create a free account to edit the document. You can add fields and redact the information. You can also insert checkmarks and symbols.
VA Form 21-674B can be emailed, printed, and even signed electronically. It is important that the form is legible and printed neatly. This form is used for each student who is eligible for VA benefits.
Where Can I Find a VA Form 21-674b?
Obtaining VA Form 21-674b is the easiest way to prove that your child is attending school. This form is available online or in the mail, and you must fill out one for each student. If you don’t fill it out, payments will be halted.
The VA will use this form to determine your child’s eligibility for VA benefits. You’ll need to fill out Part I and Part II, and provide the appropriate information. The VA will also use this form to notify you of any changes to your child’s status.
In addition to filling out the VA Form 21-674b, you’ll also need to provide your Social Security Number (SSN). The VA will not deny you benefits if you refuse to give out your SSN.
The VA Form 21-674b also has a few other parts. The parts you’ll need to fill out our items one through four, and the last section is for signatures. The most important thing to remember is that you need to fill out the form before you leave the house. You should also fill out Item 5 in order to prove that you’re attending school.
The VA Form 21-674B is an official Department of Veterans Affairs form, and you should fill it out in order to claim the benefits associated with your child’s school attendance. The VA will not release the information it collects on this form to third parties.
VA Form 21-674b – School Attendance Report
Using the VA Form 21-674b – School Attendance Report, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can confirm your child’s school attendance. This is used to calculate your entitlement to benefits during breaks in school sessions.
The form must be completed and submitted to the VA office within 60 days after your child starts attending school. A second copy must be kept for recordkeeping. The form is available online and can be downloaded or printed. It can also be e-mailed or submitted electronically.
The form requires the full name of the child, the parent’s and veteran’s social security number, date of birth, school name, and contact information. It also requires detailed information about the child’s attendance, major in school, enrollment hours, current expenses, and current income.
The student must be enrolled in a full-time course or a non-full-time course. The school official must sign and date Item 17. Item 12B specifies whether the date is the official ending date of the regular term. If the answer is positive, check both boxes.
The VA Form 21-674b – School Attendance Report may be e-mailed, printed, or submitted online. If e-mailed, the request must be uploaded to the electronic claims folder. The VA will not disclose the information collected on the form to any third party.
VA Form 21-674b Example