VA Form 21P-530EZ – Application for Burial Benefits (Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 23) (Fillable)

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 21P-530EZ – Application for Burial Benefits (Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 23) (Fillable) – Obtaining a VA Form 21P-530EZ is an important part of getting a burial benefit for a deceased Veteran. It can be very difficult to locate the form, but with a little research, you can get the form from the VA’s website. The 21P-530EZ Application for Burial Benefit is also available for download and is easy to complete and submit online.

Download VA Form 21P-530EZ – Application for Burial Benefits (Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 23) (Fillable)

Form Number VA Form 21P-530EZ
Form Title Application for Burial Benefits (Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 23) (Fillable)
Edition Date March 2022
File Size 1 MB KB

VA FORM 21P-530EZ (10 downloads )

Where Can I Find a VA Form 21P-530EZ?

Among the numerous VA benefits, the VA Form 21P-530EZ stands out as a useful tool for veterans. This form is meant to gather information necessary to determine eligibility for income-based benefits. This form will also help you to determine whether you’re eligible for monetary burial benefits. The Department of Veterans Affairs is changing the way that monetary burial benefits are awarded.

The VA has a number of needs-based pension programs. Eligibility for these programs is based on certain deductible expenses and countable family income. In addition, you can qualify for burial benefits if you are an honorably discharged veteran. You can receive these benefits upon application. The VA also pays a burial allowance and plot allowance.

Another VA benefit you may want to apply for is the VA Survivor’s Pension. This benefit is intended for low-income surviving spouses of wartime veterans. The VA will pay you a tax-free payment. You can apply for this benefit at the VA Pension Management Center in your state.

The VA also administers a number of other benefits including the VA Medical Care and the VA Home Loan Guarantee Program. However, if you have never filed for VA benefits, you are unlikely to have a VA file number. The number is typically found on your VA correspondence and in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

VA Form 21P-530EZ – Application for Burial Benefit

Those who want to qualify for burial benefits from the VA will need to fill out a VA Form 21P-530EZ. This form helps the VA determine whether a veteran or surviving family member is eligible for burial benefits. These benefits are available for veterans and surviving family members who served in the military were honorably discharged, or have a disability compensation award.

The VA will pay up to $762 for a plot and up to $300 for non-service-connected deaths. In addition, veterans may receive military funeral honors, memorial items, and transportation reimbursement. The Department of Veterans Affairs maintains a list of national cemeteries where veterans are eligible to be buried.

Veterans and their surviving spouses can apply to learn whether they qualify for burial in a national cemetery. These benefits are not available to veterans who died while serving on active duty, but the VA will pay for the transportation of the veteran’s remains while the veteran was in VA care. If the veteran has an honorable discharge, the veteran may be eligible for burial in a national cemetery. In addition, VA pays for burial costs when a veteran dies while a member of the National Guard or Reserve.

The VA Form 21P-530EZ is a required form that should be filled out and submitted to the program office. Once the information has been gathered, the VA will evaluate whether a veteran or surviving family member qualifies for income-based benefits or needs-based pension programs.

VA Form 21P-530EZ Example

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