VA Form 22-10215 – Statement of Assurance of Compliance With 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios (Fillable)

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 22-10215 – Statement of Assurance of Compliance With 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios (Fillable) – Depending on where you live, you may be required to fill out VA Form 22-10215, Statement of Assurance of Compl. This form is an insurance form, and it is used to provide the VA with proof that you have a valid policy of medical insurance. It is important to remember that this form is used in conjunction with the Certificate of Insurance, which is also a VA Form.

Download VA Form 22-10215 – Statement of Assurance of Compliance With 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios (Fillable)

Form Number VA Form 22-10215 –
Form Title Statement of Assurance of Compliance With 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios (Fillable)
Edition Date May 2022
File Size 1 MB

VA FORM 22-10215 (7 downloads )

What is a VA Form 22-10215?

Those who are looking for the VA Form 22-10215 to make an enrollment certification can find all the forms they need at most VA offices. The forms are also available online. The VA is planning to draft additional training resources to assist institutions in meeting the requirements.

According to the VA, an official at the institution must certify that the institution meets all of the requirements. If there are changes, the official must submit written confirmation. The change notification will help prevent overpayments of benefits. This is because the VA will not approve enrollment at institutions that engage in misleading practices.

To receive the benefits, students have one year after completing training. The VA will send the student a Certificate of Eligibility (C/E), which is a type of award letter. This certificate is valid only in the school name and only for the objective specified on the C/E. In addition, schools that deliver education loan checks must ensure that each payment is made of at least $7 per student.

The VA is accepting forms from accredited institutions through June 30, 2022. All institutions that are approved for the 85/15 rule are required to keep a complete set of records on all sales, advertising, and enrollments. In addition, these institutions must provide copies of all materials for inspection during the compliance surveys. These materials can be brochures, direct mail pieces, and other materials.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 22-10215?

Earlier this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced an updated 85/15 rule. While the rules remain the same, the agency is taking some additional steps to make them easier to understand. The update includes some new requirements and some additional flexibility. The VBA is also inviting comments on the efficacy of the proposed rule, its accuracy, and the best possible ways to reduce the burden on respondents.

In the new rule, schools are required to report their 85/15 calculations within 30 days of the end of the calendar quarter. The VA is also proposing a number of other informational feats, including a Frequently Asked Questions document. The agency is also accepting forms from accredited institutions until June 30, 2022.

The VBA is also soliciting input on the accuracy of the rule’s estimates. This includes comments on the most accurate estimate of the percentage of military personnel employed in the workforce who receive VA health care. The agency is also proposing several other ways to reduce the burden on responders, such as automated collection techniques, and other forms of information technology. The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to release further details about its plans in the coming months. Until then, institutions can apply for a 35 percent reporting exemption.

VA Form 22-10215 – Statement of Assurance of Compliance With 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios (Fillable)

Whether you’re an educator, parent, or school administrator, the new VA Form 22-10215 Statement of Assurance of Compl is an interesting new program that you’ll need to keep tabs on. While there’s no way to be sure which institutions will be required to submit information, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will accept forms from accredited institutions through June 30, 2022. A new federal register notice with a 60-day comment period was published at 86 FR 40680 on July 28, 2021. In addition to the aforementioned requirement, the VA will also be providing a host of training resources.

While the most expensive items in a school’s budget are likely to be the students and teachers, the most valuable is likely to be the information provided by the school to VA. In particular, the VA is interested in learning more about a school’s enrollment and retention figures, as well as other relevant data points.

VA Form 22-10215 Example

VA Form 22-10215