VA Form OF-306 – Declaration for Federal Employment

VAFORMS.NETVA Form OF-306 – Declaration for Federal Employment – If you are interested in working for the federal government, you will need to fill out a VA Form OF-306 – Declaration for Federal Employment. This form is used to determine your eligibility for federal employment. The form asks for your personal information, such as your name, address, and Social Security number. You will also need to provide information about your education and work experience.

Download VA Form OF-306 – Declaration for Federal Employment

Form Number VA Form OF-306
Form Title Declaration for Federal Employment
Edition Date October 2013
File Size 167 KB

VA Form OF-306 (11 downloads )

What is a VA Form OF-306?

The United States Office of Personnel Management explains that the Declaration for Federal Employment, also known as VA Form OF-306, is used to determine an applicant’s suitability for Federal employment. The form asks for information about the applicant’s character and background and requires the applicant’s signature authorizing a release of information. The form must be completed before an applicant can be interviewed for a job with the Federal government.

Where Can I Find a VA Form OF-306?

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) uses the Declaration for Federal Employment (OF-306) form to determine an applicant’s eligibility for employment. The form is available on the VA’s website

To fill out the form, applicants will need to provide their social security number, date of birth, and contact information. They will also need to answer questions about their criminal history and whether they have been convicted of a felony.

VA Form OF-306 – Declaration for Federal Employment

The Declaration for Federal Employment, or VA Form OF-306, is required for all applicants seeking employment with the federal government. This form must be completed and signed by the applicant in order to be considered for a federal job. The information provided on the form includes the applicant’s employment history, education, and other qualifications. The Declaration for Federal Employment is used to determine if an applicant is eligible for a particular position.

VA Form OF-306 Example

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