VA Form 10-0388-7 – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primarily Covered Transactions

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 10-0388-7 – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primarily Covered Transactions – Before you fill out VA Form 10-0388-7, you should know what it is and where to find it. It is a certification that must be filled out by a delegate to obtain VA benefits. The delegate must sign and date the form, and at least two witnesses must sign and print their names. Incomplete forms will not be accepted, and the VA will return them. Also, make sure that you attach any supporting materials or continuation sheets.

Download VA Form 10-0388-7 – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primarily Covered Transactions

Form Number VA Form 10-0388-7
Form Title Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primarily Covered Transactions
Edition Date March 2022
File Size 44 KB

What is a VA Form 10-0388-7?

If you are seeking to apply for a VA grant, you should familiarize yourself with VA Form 10-0388-7 before submitting your application. This document is used to ensure that you are compliant with federal regulations. It must also be signed by the applicant. The form contains the following items:

Where Can I Find a VA Form 10-0388-7?

When applying for health care benefits through the VA, you may need to fill out VA Form 10-10EZR, a form that asks you to provide some personal information. If you do not provide this information, you may delay receiving your benefits. However, you will not lose any other benefits if you do provide it. You should note that the VA may use your Social Security number in the administration of your health care benefits, and may also use it for other purposes.

The application for VA funding is not complete without a signed application. This form is required to verify compliance with federal regulations. It also requires a state-mandated financial plan and a state budget statement. The application must meet the requirements of priority group 1 and must be endorsed by the state’s budget official.

VA Form 10-0388-7 – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primarily Covered Transactions

If you are a contractor that will work with Veterans, you must submit VA Form 10-0388-7 – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters—Primarily Covered Transactions. This form is used to prove that the state you’re working with meets certain criteria. Specifically, if you’re working with a state matching fund, you must submit all the following certifications in order to receive payments from the state.

You must submit this form before applying for a Veterans Administration grant. The form requires you to show that you’ve complied with all relevant federal regulations, and it will also include any post-grant requirements. Those requirements include a report on any audit findings and how you addressed them. You must also show that you have met NHPA Part 106 requirements and have taken the proper steps to mitigate environmental impacts

VA Form 10-0388-7 Example

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