VA Form 10-0388-9 – Certification Regarding Lobbying

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 10-0388-9 – Certification Regarding Lobbying – This article answers the questions: What is VA Form 10-0388-9? And Where Can I Find One? This form is necessary for lobbying activities. In this article, you’ll learn more about VA Form 10-0388-9 – Certification Regarding Lobbying. Also, learn about the requirements for completing this form.

Download VA Form 10-0388-9 – Certification Regarding Lobbying

Form Number VA Form 10-0388-9
Form Title Certification Regarding Lobbying
Edition Date March 2022
File Size 38 KB

What is a VA Form 10-0388-9?

VA Form 10-0388-9 is required for a number of purposes. First, it certifies compliance with federal regulations. Second, it certifies that the application and any supporting documentation are complete and signed. Finally, it certifies compliance with the post-grant requirements, including NEPA mitigation measures and NHPA Section 106. The form can be obtained electronically or printed and submitted to the VA.

Once a state submits its form, the VA uses it to prioritize a number of projects, including home construction projects, in the upcoming fiscal year. This mechanism enables the VA to commit to a number of home construction projects in the state, thereby reducing the burden on applicants and the Federal government. Also, it improves consistency among submissions.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 10-0388-9?

If you are interested in applying for a State Home Construction Grant, you may need to submit VA Form 10-0388-9. This form certifies that your state government has received and reviewed your application and signed it. It also details the post-grant requirements, such as reporting and resolution of any audit findings. The VA will use the information and other documents submitted to determine whether your grant application is eligible and feasible.

Veterans who want to receive this benefit must submit this form annually before August 1st. This form is free to download and fill out and can be easily sent. The VA will use this information to establish a priority list for the next fiscal year. The priority list helps the VA commit to the construction of state-based homes. It has also improved consistency in the submission process.

VA Form 10-0388-9 – Certification Regarding Lobbying

If you are looking to obtain a grant to conduct lobbying activities on behalf of a business, you will need to complete VA Form 10-0388-9 – Certification regarding lobbying. The form will verify that your business is in compliance with federal and state regulations, and you will also need to meet post-grant requirements. These include reporting and resolving audit findings, proof of NEPA mitigation measures, and NHPA Section 106 compliance.

You can amend your VA Form 100388-9 by submitting a revised version of the original grant application and revised Standard Forms 424C. The revised application must include a narrative description and justification for the change. However, any amendment that changes the grant scope or the amount requested must be approved by the VA.

Once your application is approved, the VA will certify it to the Secretary of the Treasury, designating the appropriation from which the grant will be paid. Grant funds for veterans’ cemeteries must be used for projects that are approved by VA.

VA Form 10-0388-9 Example

VA Form 10-0388-9

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