VA Form 10-1314 – Health Services Research and Development Service Career Development Awardee—Annual Progress Report

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 10-1314 – Health Services Research and Development Service Career Development Awardee—Annual Progress Report – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Form 10-1314 is the Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D) Career Development Awardee Annual Progress Report. This report is used to document the progress of HSR&D career development awardees and is required for continued funding. The report includes information on research training, publications, research support, and other professional activities.

Download VA Form 10-1314 – Health Services Research and Development Service Career Development Awardee—Annual Progress Report

Form Number VA Form 10-1314
Form Title Health Services Research and Development Service Career Development Awardee—Annual Progress Report
Edition Date May 2022
File Size 611 KB

What is a VA Form 10-1314?

The VA Form 10-1314 is an annual progress report that is required to be completed by all recipients of the Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D) Career Development Award. The purpose of the form is to provide HSR&D with information on the research progress made by the awardee during the previous year. The form must be submitted no later than March 1st of each year.

The VA Form 10-1314 consists of four sections: (1) a brief description of the research project; (2) a summary of the research findings; (3) a discussion of the impact of the research on Veterans’ health care; and (4) a list of publications and presentations resulting from the research.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 10-1314?

If you’re a veteran looking for a VA Form 10-1314, you can find it on the Health Services Research and Development Service website. The form is used to report your progress if you’re a recipient of the Career Development Award.

To access the form, go to the Health Services Research and Development Service website and click on the “Forms” tab. Then, scroll down to the “VA Forms” section and click on the “VA Form 10-1314 – Health Services Research and Development Service Career Development Awardee Annual Progress Report.”

The form consists of four sections: personal information, project information, career development plan, and certification. In the personal information section, you’ll need to provide your name, address, social security number, and date of birth.

VA Form 10-1314 – Health Services Research and Development Service Career Development Awardee—Annual Progress Report

The annual progress report for VA Form 10-1314 must be completed and submitted to the Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D) by the end of each fiscal year. The purpose of this form is to allow HSR&D career development awardees to provide information on their progress during the previous year.

In order to complete the annual progress report, awardees will need to provide information on their research project, including a summary of their accomplishments, a description of any changes made to the project since the last report, and an evaluation of their progress. Additionally, awardees will need to submit a budget for their upcoming year of research.

HSR&D career development awardees are required to submit an annual progress report in order to continue receiving funding for their research projects.

VA Form 10-1314 Example

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