VA Form 10-2065 – Funeral Arrangements

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 10-2065 – Funeral Arrangements – VA Form 10-2065 is a document used by the Veterans Administration (VA) to arrange funeral arrangements and disposition of the deceased’s body. This form is available in MS Word format and can be completed by hand or electronically. It is also used to make payments for hired vehicular and ambulance transportation.

Download VA Form 10-2065 – Funeral Arrangements

Form Number VA Form 10-2065
Form Title Funeral Arrangements
Edition Date May 2022
File Size 643 KB

When preparing this document, it is important to ensure that it is filled out correctly. The form is writable, but errors on it may have undesirable consequences. Moreover, re-submission can take considerable time. Additionally, penalties for missing deadlines may be quite costly. Therefore, experts recommend saving all important data before starting to fill out the form.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 10-2065?

The VA Form 10-2065, or the Funeral Arrangements form, is used by VA facilities to initiate and document expenses associated with the burial of a veteran. It is available in PDF and Word formats. You can fill it out manually or use a PDFfiller creator tool to make it personalized.

There are several formats of the form, including printable blank forms and fillable PDF forms. These are designed for use online. You can fill out and save the forms to your PC. However, you cannot edit them later. If you’re unsure which format to use, you can find a sample form online.

The VA Form 10-2065 authorizes expenditures from the medical care account and processes payments to VA beneficiaries. It is required when a claimant wants to travel on a VA-provided vehicle for the burial of a deceased veteran. It is also used for arranging transportation and burial at a national cemetery. You can also use it to process payments for an ambulance or hired vehicle transportation.

VA Form 10-2065 – Funeral Arrangements

VA Form 10-2065 – Funeral Arrangements is an important document used by VA facilities to initiate and authorize burial benefits and document expenditures. This form can be completed electronically or by hand and comes in a Word and PDF format. You can customize this form to make it look professional.

The VA has several forms to choose from. Fillable PDF forms are available online and can be printed or saved. Fillable xft forms can be downloaded and edited on your PC, but they can’t be printed out later. Some PDF forms are blank, printable versions that you can print.

VA Form 10-2065 Example

VA Form 10-2065