VA Form 10-6001a – Contract Progress Report

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 10-6001a – Contract Progress Report – The VA Form 10-6001a is a form used to record a Contract Progress Report. This report is used by the VA to track the progress of construction projects that are funded by the VA.

Download VA Form 10-6001a – Contract Progress Report

Form Number VA Form 10-6001a
Form Title Contract Progress Report
Edition Date Jun 2012
File Size 522 KB

What is VA Form 10-6001a?

A VA Form 10-6001a is a legal document that has some significance. It is the official VA form for the month of June and is also known as the VA FORM JUN 2012. The form has three components. In addition to the actual application itself, the application must include supporting material. This may be an attached continuation sheet, or the actual item itself.

Besides being the official VA form for the month of June, the form is also used as a harbinger for major projects before the interim schedule is submitted. The form has an estimated cost of 3,750. As part of this estimate, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has opted to use a computer matching program to validate the information.

One of the most interesting things about this form is that it is not only used on the national level, but also on a country-wide basis. For example, the form is used by the Department of Veterans Affairs in determining whether or not a certain person is eligible for health care benefits. To do so, it will require a medical assessment and an income assessment. These two components, in turn, can help the VA determine the amount of copayment that must be made for certain services and tests.

Getting all of these elements down on paper can be a daunting task. Fortunately, the Department of Veterans Affairs has the following helpful resources at its disposal.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 10-6001a?

You can find VA Form 10-6001a on the Department of Veterans Affairs website. It is a legal form that can be used to record the total value of work in place. In addition, it is important to keep track of changes to the project throughout the process. The data is collected by field crews and can be used to identify deviations from the baseline schedule.

Before submitting the final construction documents, the contractor’s Schedule of Value must be matched to the construction activities on the baseline schedule. All submittals must be approved by the VA prior to a Mobilization Authorization Letter being issued.

After the Contractor has completed all the necessary requirements and documentation, Task 4 can begin. During the first few days of the job, the contractor’s key field staff should attend a series of progress meetings with the Project Manager. Each progress meeting will involve a review of red-line drawings. This allows the COR to ensure that all construction submittals are in line with the baseline schedule and the specifications.

In addition to the pre-construction requirements, the contractor is required to post signs in the work zone at least seven days in advance. A nurse call system is required, and the system should be programmed before the work starts. Walk-off dust mats are also required to be changed every day.

VA Form 10-6001a – Contract Progress Report

The VA Form 10-6001a – Contract Progress Report is a great way to track the progress of a major project before an interim schedule is submitted. It’s not for the faint of heart, however. Although the form is designed to be completed in less than 30 minutes, it will take you a bit more than that.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has released the official version of the 10-6001a on its website and is encouraging contractors to get their paperwork in order. Having an approved OMB control number is the first step in obtaining the data you need to complete the form. This may require a little extra effort on your part, but the end results will pay off handsomely in the long run.

For starters, it’s a well-designed, easy-to-follow template. You’ll want to be sure to fill out all of the boxes with the right information because the agency will likely not review it if it isn’t. Also, remember to make a copy of the forms for your records. In addition, you’ll want to mark all of the invoices you’re paid. After all, if you don’t get paid, you won’t receive any compensation for completing the work. Hopefully, all of these steps will result in a smoother transition from the nitty-gritty of your contract to the more formal sandbox.

VA Form 10-6001a Example

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