VA Form 21-651 – Election of Compensation in Lieu of Retired Pay or Waiver of Retired Pay to Secure Compensation from Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 5304(a)-5305)

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 21-651 – Election of Compensation in Lieu of Retired Pay or Waiver of Retired Pay to Secure Compensation from Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 5304(a)-5305) – Whenever you get a new VA Form 21-651, you should be sure that you understand how it works. This is the form that you need if you want to claim compensation in lieu of military service. Basically, this form will let you claim money for any expenses that you incurred while you were serving in the military. It will also tell you whether or not you are eligible to get paid for those expenses. Luckily, it’s a pretty simple form to fill out and understand.

Download VA Form 21-651 – Election of Compensation in Lieu of Retired Pay or Waiver of Retired Pay to Secure Compensation from Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 5304(a)-5305)

Form Number VA Form 21-651
Form Title Election of Compensation in Lieu of Retired Pay or Waiver of Retired Pay to Secure Compensation from Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 5304(a)-5305)
Edition Date June 2022
File Size 719 KB

What is a VA Form 21-651?

Using the VA Form 21-651 to apply for your disability benefits may not be the most fun way to go about it. The form is a bit of a pain in the rear, but it is necessary to secure your benefits. You can find the form on the VA website or request a free copy from your local VA office. Depending on your location, you may be able to file online or have it mailed to your door.

The VA form 21-651 isn’t the only form you may be able to fill out in order to get your disability benefits. In fact, if you are lucky enough to be stationed in one of the few service branches that have a direct line to the VA, you’ll likely be able to get the aforementioned benefits straight from your local branch. If you aren’t lucky enough to be stationed in one, however, you will likely have to turn to your local Department of Defense (DoD) to get the best deal.

It’s not uncommon to see your local DoD office revert to the old-fashioned paper form in the event that you have an unexpected health scare or another unexpected life event. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will also be able to assist you with your healthcare needs.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 21-651?

Whether you are looking to file a new disability claim or reopen a disability claim, you will need VA Form 21-651. It is used to obtain a fiduciary signature. The form includes instructions on how to complete and submit the form. It is also used to establish control of the return of the VA form.

During the time a Veteran is on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL) or the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL), he or she must be notified of any rating decision. If the Veteran is denied, the Insurance Service must notify him or her of the denial. It is also important to note that VA benefits reform requires the VA to notify the claimant of new information.

This includes new notification provisions regarding the VA’s receipt of waivers from claimants. The VA fiduciary hub must acknowledge the claimant’s waiver of military retirement pay. In the event the VA fiduciary hub does not acknowledge the claimant’s waiver, the appropriate action will be taken. The VA will offset military retirement pay during the recoupment of separation pay and readjustment pay.

The VA will also provide assistance in obtaining evidence to substantiate a claim. However, the VA will not provide assistance if there is no reasonable possibility that assistance will aid in substantiating a claim.

VA Form 21-651 – Election of Compensation in Lieu of Retired Pay or Waiver of Retired Pay to Secure Compensation from Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. 5304(a)-5305)

Obtaining a VA Form 21-651 is a must if you are planning on receiving VA benefits. This is a document that explains the process of receiving compensation from the VA. If you have questions regarding your claim, contact a veteran service officer. A veteran service officer can also help you check the status of your claim.

This form is used to determine how much you will be paid for your disability. You will also be asked to provide information about your pre-existing condition. This information will help the VA determine if you are eligible for benefits. The form is considered confidential.

It is also important to note that the VA will provide you with medical examinations. You will also be given adaptive equipment if you qualify. A recent expansion of coverage includes medical conditions associated with Agent Orange. You may also be eligible for Combat-Related Special Compensation.

In addition to providing you with benefits, the VA will also notify the Military Retired Pay Center of any changes to your benefits. You will also be given the option to re-elect your benefits. You may be able to receive more favorable repayment options if you decide to apply for the CRSC.

VA Form 21-651 Example

VA Form 21-651