VA Form 21-8960-1 – Certification of School Attendance or Termination

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 21-8960-1 – Certification of School Attendance or Termination – Basically, the VA Form 21-8960-1 is a form that you can use to fill out a certification of school attendance. This form is required by the VA when you’re applying for benefits, and it will let you know that you’re eligible to receive them. It’s important to note, however, that you will have to fill out this form correctly.

Download VA Form 21-8960-1 – Certification of School Attendance or Termination

Form Number VA Form 21-8960-1
Form Title Certification of School Attendance or Termination
Edition Date June 2022
File Size 1 MB

What is a VA Form 21-8960-1

VA Form 21-8960-1 is used to certify an individual’s enrollment in or termination from an educational institution. The form must be completed by the school official and submitted to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) office responsible for the individual’s benefits.

The form is used to certify:

  • Enrollment in an educational institution
  • Withdrawal, suspension, or termination from an educational institution
  • Change of enrollment status within an educational institution (e.g., half-time to full-time) failure to provide cert

Where Can I Find a VA Form 21-8960-1?

Whether your child is under 18 months or 23 months, you will have to fill out VA Form 21-8960-1 if you would like to continue your child’s benefits. The form will gather all of the information needed to determine whether your child will be eligible for continued benefits.

You can fill out the form online, by reducing it to a paper version, or by faxing it. You can also request a PDF version of the form so that you can fill it out electronically. The PDF version allows you to fill it out in a number of different ways, including personalization, electronic formatting, and even changes to the form. VA encourages eligible entities, such as faith-based organizations, Indian Tribal Governments, state and local governments, and the District of Columbia, to fill out the form.

If you are a Veteran or Service member attending school, or the spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or Service member, you may be eligible for education benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). One of the forms you will need to complete is the VA Form 21-8960-1 – Certification of School Attendance or Termination. This form is used to certify your enrollment and attendance at a school, as well as your eligibility for benefits.

VA Form 21-8960-1 – Certification of School Attendance or Termination

If you are a veteran receiving benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), you will need to submit a VA Form 21-8960-1 – Certification of School Attendance or Termination. This form is used to certify your enrollment in an educational program or to provide proof of your termination from school.

The VA Form 21-8960-1 must be signed by an official at the school you are attending or have recently attended. Once the form is complete, you should submit it to the address listed on the form.

If you have any questions about the VA Form 21-8960-1, please contact your local VA office or review the instructions on the form.

VA Form 21-8960-1 Example

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