VA Form 22-0839 – Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 22-0839 – Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement – The Yellow Ribbon Program is a VA benefit that helps eligible veterans and their families cover the costs of higher education. The program assists with tuition expenses that exceed the annual cap set by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). To apply for this program, veterans must fill out VA Form 22-0839. This article outlines what information is required and how to complete this important form.

Download VA Form 22-0839 – Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement

Form Number VA Form 22-0839
Form Title Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement
Edition Date Mar 2020
File Size 887 KB

What is a VA Form 22-0839?

VA Form 22-0839 is an agreement form used to participate in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Yellow Ribbon Program. This program provides veterans with assistance in paying for educational expenses, such as tuition and fees, that are not covered by their Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. The VA has partnered with numerous schools across the country to provide extra financial assistance during a veteran’s education through this program. In order to receive these funds, veterans must fill out the application and submit it along with other required documents to their school’s certifying official. Additionally, they must sign VA Form 22-0839 acknowledging that they understand the terms of the Yellow Ribbon Program and agree to them before any additional funding can be provided.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 22-0839?

VA Form 22-0839 is an important document for veterans who are looking to take advantage of the Yellow Ribbon Program. This program helps veterans and their families in paying for college expenses not covered by their GI Bill benefits. VA Form 22-0839 is a crucial step in applying for the program, as it serves as the agreement between the VA and the school about the amount of tuition assistance that will be provided through this initiative.

Fortunately, it’s easy to get your hands on VA Form 22-0839. It can be found on both the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website and at most universities or colleges offering participation in this program. Additionally, you can contact your local Veteran Services Office to obtain a copy directly from them.

VA Form 22-0839 – Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement

The Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP) is a great way for veterans and their families to receive additional educational assistance. The Veterans Administration offers this program through the VA Form 22-0839, which allows eligible veterans and their dependents to receive funds from both the VA and participating institutions. To be eligible for the YRP, you must meet certain requirements such as being honorably discharged from active duty or being an active duty member who served at least one full year of service after September 11th, 2001.

Once participants are accepted into the program, they can apply for tuition assistance through VA Form 22-0839. This form outlines all of the requirements that need to be met in order to participate in the YRP including completing an application with supporting documents; verifying eligibility status; providing proof of enrollment; submitting financial aid forms; and signing a Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement.

VA Form 22-0839 Example

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