VA Form 22-0976 – Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider)

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 22-0976 – Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider) – The VET TEC Pilot Program is an exciting program created by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) designed to provide veterans with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in technology. VA Form 22-0976, also known as the Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider), is required for veterans to apply for this program.

Download VA Form 22-0976 – Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider)

Form Number VA Form 22-0976
Form Title Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider)
Edition Date October 2022
File Size 904 KB

What is a VA Form 22-0976?

VA Form 22-0976 is an application form from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It’s used to apply for a program called VET TEC, which stands for Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses. This program provides veterans and their families with education and training in technology-based careers.

The VA Form 22-0976 allows applicants to provide information about themselves, including their name, address, phone number, Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth, and branch of service. It also asks applicants to provide details about their eligibility for the program as well as any relevant experience they may have in the field they are applying for. The form must be completed accurately and submitted along with any supporting documents before being reviewed by an authorized VA official or representative.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 22-0976?

Are you looking for a VA Form 22-0976? The VA Form 22-0976 is an application for the VET TEC Pilot Program, which provides career training to current and former service members. This form must be completed in order to apply for the program and access assistance with career training. Here, we’ll provide information on where to find this form so that you can get started on your application process.

VA Form 22-0976 can be obtained through the Department of Veterans Affairs website. On their website, you can easily locate the form under “Training Provider Applications” in the navigation bar. Additionally, if you’re unable to access the form online, you can also request it by calling 1-800-827-1000 or visiting your local VA office.

VA Form 22-0976 – Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider)

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is offering veterans the opportunity to gain valuable technical training with the VET TEC Pilot Program. The program provides veterans with access to high-tech, high-demand jobs through a selection of approved training providers. To participate in the program, veterans must fill out VA Form 22-0976 – Application for VET TEC Pilot Program (Training Provider). This form is necessary for eligibility and acceptance into the program.

The application requires personal information such as name, address, and social security number; information regarding honorable discharge from military service; and any additional documents that may be requested by a VA representative to prove eligibility. Other important details include selecting a preferred training provider and providing contact information for references or employers who can speak on behalf of your skillset or work experience.

VA Form 22-0976 Example

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