VA Form 26-0967a – Scoring Criteria for SAH Assistive Technology Grants

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 26-0967a – Scoring Criteria for SAH Assistive Technology Grants – The VA Form 26-0967a is an official form issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assist Veteran’s Administration (VA) providers in determining eligibility for Special Adaptive Housing (SAH) Assistive Technology Grants. These grants are designed to provide financial assistance to eligible veterans and their families for the purchase of assistive technology products. Understanding this form and its scoring criteria is essential for all VA providers helping veterans access SAH grants.

Download VA Form 26-0967a – Scoring Criteria for SAH Assistive Technology Grants

Form Number VA Form 26-0967a
Form Title Scoring Criteria for SAH Assistive Technology Grants
Edition Date June 2022
File Size 841 KB

What is VA Form 26-0967a?

VA Form 26-0967a is an important document for any veteran receiving assistance for adaptive technology and equipment related to Service-connected disabilities. This form helps veterans determine their eligibility for grants that can be used to purchase assistive technology and equipment that are necessary for them to cope with the effects of their disability.

VA Form 26-0967a is a scoring criteria sheet that outlines the requirements for granting access to Service-Connected Assistance (SCA) grants. The SCA grant program provides financial assistance to veterans in need of adaptive technology and equipment, such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, prosthetics, lifts, etc., which are not covered by other government programs or private insurance plans.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 26-0967a?

VA Form 26-0967a is a form that veterans can use to apply for grants to help purchase assistive technology. The grant program, known as the Special Adaptive Housing (SAH) Assistive Technology Grants Program, was created by the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide financial assistance for disabled veterans who need adaptive technology to live independently in their homes. The VA Form 26-0967a contains the scoring criteria used by the VA when assessing and awarding SAH grants.

The VA Form 26-0967a can be found on the official website of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It is available in both PDF and Word formats, so it can be easily downloaded and filled out online or printed and completed manually. Additionally, veteran service organizations may have printed copies of this form available at no cost. Applicants should review all instructions carefully before submitting their application.

VA Form 26-0967a – Scoring Criteria for SAH Assistive Technology Grants

The VA Form 26-0967a is an important document for veterans who are applying for a specific type of grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This form outlines the criteria used to evaluate applications for Special Adaptive Housing (SAH) Assistive Technology grants. The grants are available to veterans and service members with disabilities that require assistive technology in order to improve their quality of life.

When submitting an application, it is critical that applicants understand the scoring criteria outlined on VA Form 26-0967a. This form evaluates applications based on several factors including financial need, appropriateness and availability of assistive technology, the potential impact on quality of life, and how well the proposed solution meets the applicant’s needs. It also considers any medical documentation or other information provided by applicants that may be required as part of their application review process.

VA Form 26-0967a Example

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