VA Form 26-6808 – Loan Service Report

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 26-6808 – Loan Service Report – If you’re planning to apply for a VA loan, you’ll need to fill out a VA Form 26-6808, which is a Loan Service Report (LSR). There are many reasons why you’ll need to submit an LSR, including if you need to obtain a VA mortgage loan, or if you’re planning on refinancing your existing mortgage. When you fill out a VA Form 26-6808, you’re also required to include some basic information about yourself. It’s helpful to have your social security number and your date of birth handy because you will need these to fill out the form.

Download VA Form 26-6808 – Loan Service Report

Form Number VA Form 26-6808
Form Title Loan Service Report
Edition Date October 2022
File Size 894 KB

What is a VA Form 26-6808?

A VA Loan Service Representative completes VA Form 26-6808 during personal contact with delinquent obligors. The form is intended to be the most important of the VA’s mandatory disclosure forms. Its purpose is to help a Loan Service Representative to find the right solutions to a troubled VA home loan.

The most important aspect of the form is to allow a Loan Service Representative to determine if a particular VA home loan is eligible for a Certificate of Eligibility. This certificate of eligibility is also known as a COE. For the uninitiated, it is a certification proving that a veteran’s spouse is eligible to purchase a VA-guaranteed home.

As a technical unit supervisor, I was responsible for serving veterans and their spouses with a VA-guaranteed home loan. There are several ways to find out if a veteran is eligible for a home loan. One of these is a call to the VA Home Loan Assistance Center. Another is the use of VA Form 26-6808. Although it may seem like a lot of work, it is actually a very easy process. You simply provide information on your VA loan and the servicer will comb through your file.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 26-6808?

A Certificate of Eligibility is proof that you are eligible for a VA mortgage. In order to obtain a COE, you must fill out VA Form 26-1880 completely. This one-page form includes instructions and a place for signatures.

When you fill out the form, you’ll need to provide your name, social security number, email address, and phone number. You’ll also need to include the date you entered your military service, the branch of service you were in, and the date you separated from your service. If you are a member of the National Guard or Reserves, you will need to provide an NGB Form 22 or a statement of honorable service.

You’ll also need to include information about your previous VA loans. These details will be listed in boxes 10A-10D. The boxes are updated from the versions of the VA Form 26-1880 that was previously used.

Whether you are a veteran or not, you can apply for a VA mortgage. The VA has established a new process to submit a VA Form 26-6808. You can now fill out a VA Form 26-6808 through the Automated Certificate of Eligibility application in WebLGY.

If you’re a veteran and are interested in applying for a VA mortgage, you can visit the eBenefits portal. Here, you’ll find the steps for submitting your VA Form 26-6808.

VA Form 26-6808 – Loan Service Report

If you are a veteran who has a VA loan, you need to fill out VA Form 26-6808 – Loan Service Report. This form is used to help you qualify for a VA-guaranteed loan. You can also use this form to get a forbearance from the VA.

The purpose of this form is to provide a comprehensive report of the default on your loan. The information you include will determine whether or not you qualify for a loan and which loan qualification requirements you may be able to meet.

You will be required to complete the form before you can receive benefits or obtain a VA-guaranteed home loan. In addition, you must submit the information to the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) within a specific time frame.

The VBA invites you to comment on the collection of this information. You can do so by completing and submitting a comment form by August 26, 2022. The submission describes the nature of the information that is collected, the nature of the cost to you, and the amount of burden that you may be expected to bear. Lastly, you may be asked to submit proof of previous payments on a VA-guaranteed loan.

VA Form 26-6808 Example

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