VA Form 40-0895-6 – Certification of State or Tribal Government Matching Architectural and Engineering Funds to Qualify for Group 1 on the Priority List (as required by 38 USC 2408 and 38 CFR Part 39)

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 40-0895-6 – Certification of State or Tribal Government Matching Architectural and Engineering Funds to Qualify for Group 1 on the Priority List (as required by 38 USC 2408 and 38 CFR Part 39) – VA Form 40-0895-6 is a form used to certify that you are a citizen of a state or tribal jurisdiction. To find a copy of this form, you can visit your local Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) office. You can also check out a printable version of this form online.

Download VA Form 40-0895-6 – Certification of State or Tribal Government Matching Architectural and Engineering Funds to Qualify for Group 1 on the Priority List (as required by 38 USC 2408 and 38 CFR Part 39)

Form Number VA Form 40-0895-6
Form Title Certification of State or Tribal Government Matching Architectural and Engineering Funds to Qualify for Group 1 on the Priority List (as required by 38 USC 2408 and 38 CFR Part 39)
Edition Date March 2022
File Size 68 KB

What is VA Form 40-0895-6?

The VA Form 40-0895-6 is a form that is used by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This form is a legal document that can be downloaded or filled out online.

The form has many functions. One of them is to document the current burial activity at a cemetery. It also lists the various operational information that can be found there.

The form will also certify the post-grant requirements. This includes information about the state’s ability to monitor the use of the cemetery by subgroups and minority groups. If the state does not meet the required standards, the funding for the project may be cut.

Another function of the form is to identify the parties involved in the grant. VA will review the application before making a decision. If the application is deemed eligible for the award, the state will receive a written letter of approval. While this does not constitute approval of the contract documents, it will indicate that the project plans and specifications are based on VA’s terms.

A new statutory authority was enacted by the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2007. It was named the Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act of 2007. Among other things, the act requires that the aggregate amount of grants in any fiscal year be limited to $5 million. In addition, the department has the power to suspend payment to a state if the state does not meet certain statutory requirements.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 40-0895-6?

Where to find VA Form 40-0895-6 is not a hard question to answer. Aside from the usual suspects, it’s available online for download as a PDF or a fillable form. Similarly, it is accompanied by an accompanying e-guide.

Form 40-0895-6 isn’t the only piece of information you’ll want to keep an eye on, though. Using the right information in the proper order can help ensure the success of your cemetery project. For example, you may need to make a few tweaks before the VA stamps your name on the project. And don’t be surprised if you are required to make an application for a new cemetery or to expand an existing one. Likewise, you’ll probably have to undergo an inspection or two before you get your deserved reimbursement.

While you’re at it, make sure to snag VA Form 40-0895-6 from your friendly neighborhood VA rep. If you need assistance, don’t be shy – you’ll be glad you did. With the right help, your dream cemetery can be a reality. Lastly, you can even obtain a free operating manual for your new or expanded cemetery!

Before you can claim to have won a coveted grant, you’ll need to demonstrate that your state agency has been in the business of providing veterans with a dignified final resting place. In other words, you’ll need to know how to properly manage a grant.

VA Form 40-0895-6 – Certification of State or Tribal Government Matching Architectural and Engineering Funds to Qualify for Group 1 on the Priority List (as required by 38 USC 2408 and 38 CFR Part 39)

If you are a state or tribal organization, you may apply for a cemetery grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA Form 40-0895-14 is a legal form that can be filled out online.

If you are a state or tribal government, you must meet certain requirements in order to receive a cemetery grant. One of these requirements is a predesign conference. These conferences are held over the phone and help ensure that your state or tribal organization is aware of the regulations and procedures that must be followed.

In addition, you must provide estimates for all fixed equipment, including burial facilities, as well as important features of the project. These estimates must be totaled under each type of work.

To qualify for a cemetery grant, you must demonstrate that the site that is to be used is in trust for your Tribal Organization. If you are applying for an Expansion Project or Operation and Maintenance Project, you must prepare plans and specifications. You must also provide a justification for any changes you intend to make in your grant application.

Once your application has been approved, you are required to submit final construction drawings and specifications. In addition, you must permit VA inspectors and auditors to conduct inspections. For any construction project partially funded by a Federal grant, you must also comply with prevailing wage rates for trade employees.

VA Form 40-0895-6 Example

VA Form 40-0895-6