VA Form 22-10215a – Statement of Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios Continuation Sheet (Fillable)

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 22-10215a – Statement of Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios Continuation Sheet (Fillable) – Using VA Form 22-10215a can be an easy way to make sure that your VA benefits are protected. This form is used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to prove that your disability compensation benefits have been paid out. You can find the form at a number of locations, including the Veterans Administration website.

Download VA Form 22-10215a – Statement of Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios Continuation Sheet (Fillable)

Form Number VA Form 22-10215a
Form Title Statement of Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios Continuation Sheet (Fillable)
Edition Date June 2022
File Size 1 MB

What is VA Form 22-10215a?

Depending on the size of your institution, there are a number of different ways you can submit the VA Form 22-10215A. You can do it the old-fashioned way by downloading the form, or you can do it the online way by creating a document online. The online version of the form allows you to fill it out using a template that streamlines the process. Using the online version of the form also lets you save time by eliminating the need to print out the document. The template also comes with a few nifty features that can help you make your document more user-friendly.

The VA has announced that it is working to provide schools with more options. According to the announcement, the VA plans to create a Frequently Asked Questions document, review the guidance that it provided with the form, and add more training resources. In the meantime, the VA will continue to accept forms from accredited institutions through June 30, 2022.

The VA has also made a few other notable changes. For example, the agency will allow schools to submit the 85/15 calculation using an excel spreadsheet. This is a great improvement on the previous requirement that schools report their calculation within thirty days of the end of the calendar quarter. The VA also announced that it would be accepting forms from schools that had been granted a 35 percent exemption, for a limited time. The VBA has also requested comments on the accuracy of its burden estimate, as well as on how to improve the quality and utility of the information collected.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 22-10215a?

Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires schools to submit information to determine if VA educational assistance is available to students. It is also required to report certain 85/15 calculations within 30 days of the end of a calendar quarter. In order to reduce the burden on respondents, the VA has proposed allowing schools to submit these calculations by using an Excel spreadsheet. In addition, VA plans to provide additional training resources and a Frequently Asked Questions document. These efforts aim to address concerns about the recent 85/15 rule reset.

The VBA has invited comments on the proposal. It is seeking feedback on how the proposed collection of information will enhance clarity, and utility, and minimize the burden. It is also soliciting input on the accuracy of the burden estimate and whether or not the proposed collection is necessary. The deadline for submitting written comments on the proposed collection is September 27, 2021. The agency is also planning to draft a Frequently Asked Questions document that includes answers to questions about the process and guidance for schools.

The VA will accept forms from accredited institutions through June 30, 2022. Upon receipt of the information, the agency will review the forms, and it is expected that additional training resources and guidance will be available in the coming months.

VA Form 22-10215a – Statement of Assurance of Compliance with 85 Percent Enrollment Ratios Continuation Sheet (Fillable)

Those of you in the know are probably already aware of the VA’s “85/15” rule. However, the VA is making it even easier to meet this milestone by allowing schools to submit their calculations using an Excel spreadsheet, rather than a traditional paper form. As part of this initiative, the agency also plans to draft a Frequently Asked Questions document for institutions to reference. In addition, it will be introducing a new program to provide additional training resources. In short, the VA’s announcement will help schools of all types become more familiar with the 85/15 rule and the steps they can take to make it more effective.

VA Form 22-10215a Example

VA Form 22-10215a

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