VA Form 26-8791 – VA Affirmative Marketing Certification

VAFORMS.NETVA Form 26-8791 – VA Affirmative Marketing Certification – The VA Form 26-8791 provides the VA with a certification that the entity has met all affirmative marketing requirements. The purpose of the form is to help the VA make decisions about whether to award contracts to entities that have met the affirmative marketing requirements.

Download VA Form 26-8791 – VA Affirmative Marketing Certification

Form Number VA Form 26-8791
Form Title VA Affirmative Marketing Certification
Edition Date June 2022
File Size 9 KB

What is a VA Form 26-8791?

VA Form 26-8791 is an important document to be aware of when applying for a veteran’s benefits. It is the VA Affirmative Marketing Certification form, and it must be completed by lenders in order to provide home loan guarantees to veterans. The form discloses information about the loan product being offered, details of the veteran borrower and their spouse, as well as any special terms or conditions related to the loan.

The purpose of this form is twofold: firstly, it ensures that lenders are providing veterans with competitive offers and not taking advantage of their unique status as veterans; secondly, it helps protect against predatory lending practices by requiring lenders to disclose pertinent information about their loan products. This allows veterans who are considering a home purchase or refinance option to make informed decisions about which type of loan best meets their needs.

Where Can I Find a VA Form 26-8791?

Veterans and VA lenders are no strangers to VA Form 26-8791 – VA Affirmative Marketing Certification. This form is a necessity for any veteran who is applying for a loan from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). But where can veterans find this form?

The first place to look for VA Form 26-8791 is online. The official website of the Department of Veterans Affairs has an entire section dedicated to forms, including the Affirmative Marketing Certification. This form can also be found on other websites that specialize in VA forms and documents.

In addition, many local offices of the Department of Veteran Affairs have copies of the form available as well. It’s important to note that each version may be slightly different, so it’s important to get the correct one when applying for a loan from the VA.

VA Form 26-8791 – VA Affirmative Marketing Certification

VA Form 26-8791 – VA Affirmative Marketing Certification is the official document that must be filed with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) before a lender or mortgage loan originator can market to veterans. This form is used by lenders and mortgage loan originators to certify their compliance with Section 3729 of Title 38 of the United States Code, which requires lenders to provide certain information about their products and services to veterans. The form also serves as evidence that the lender has made reasonable efforts to inform veterans about their rights and responsibilities under VA home loan programs.

The certification process involves completing the VA Form 26-8791 and submitting it along with supporting documents such as an annual statement from the lender’s marketing department or a copy of its advertising materials for review by the VA Loan Guaranty Division.

VA Form 26-8791 Example

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